Kansainvälinen SHAPE  -hanke edistää kestävää matkailua. Tavoitteena on kartoittaa ja hyödyntää alueellisia vahvuuksia matkailun kehittämisessä ja tuoda palvelut helposti ja houkuttelevasti saataville. Toimintaa rakennetaan yhdessä paikallisten kumppaneiden kanssa.


SHAPE focuses on a transnational set of sustainable heritage areas (SHAs) with diverse experiences of sustainability and regional cooperation involving stakeholders in heritage management, tourism, and governance. In these SHAs, the partners work with local stakeholders, their organizations, and the institutions which support them, and incorporate their activities into regional strategies for sustainable development.


Project activities will begin in each involved SHA, addressing local challenges for sustainable development by mapping assets, building on existing activities, and helping those who are developing ecotourism initiatives. Project partners and stakeholders will then share the outcomes transnationally through meetings, learning journeys and thematic networks. The resulting knowledge and tools will be incorporated into a dynamic e-service, shapingecotourism, designed to evolve and be used across the NPA region and beyond after the project ends.